How will I know when my order has been shipped?

We will send you a confirmation email containing a tracking link (if required) once we have shipped your order.

Question When will I receive my order?
AnswerWe will ship your order between 1-2 business days of the order date. Orders are sent using Whistl courier service and usually take between 1-3 business days to arrive.
Question Do you ship internationally?
AnswerAt present, we do not offer international shipping outside of the UK. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to see us ship to your country.
Question What is your privacy policy?
AnswerThere’s nothing more we hate than receiving spam emails (who’s with us?). That’s why we promise to never sell or give out any of your details, to anyone.
Question Is my credit card information safe?
AnswerYour payment details are completely protected. All transactions are secure and encrypted and we don’t store any of your payment information.
Question How can I pay?
AnswerWe accept all major payment types – Visa, MasterCard and American Express. You can also pay using PayPal.